
发布日期:2022-05-30    浏览次数:















喻承甫,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,广州大学首批“青年拔尖人才”培养对象。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划项目等课题,近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Cyberpsychology Behavior & Social Networking,Journal of Adolescence,Frontiers in Public Health,Frontiers in Psychology,心理发展与教育等国内外期刊发表论文。


1. 2015年6月毕业于华南师范大学心理学专业,获博士学位

2. 2008年7月毕业于华南师范大学心理学、经济学专业,获学士学位


1.Liang, Q., Yu, C., Chen, Q., Xie, X., Wu, H, Xing, J., et al. (2019). Exposure to community violence, affiliations with risk-taking peer groups, and internet gaming disorder among Chinese adolescents: The moderating role of parental monitoring. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2074.

2.Yu, C., Li, W., Liang, Q., Liu, X., Zhang, W., Lu, H., et al. (2019). School climate, loneliness and problematic online game use among Chinese adolescents: The moderating effect of intentional self-regulation. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 90.

3.Tian, Y., Yu, C., Lin, S., Lu, J., Liu, Y., & Zhang, W. (2019). Sensation seeking, deviant peer affiliation and Internet gaming addiction among Chinese adolescents: The moderating effect of parental knowledge. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2727.

4.Tian, Y., Yu, C., Lin, S., Lu, J., Liu, Y., & Zhang, W. (2019). Parental psychological control and adolescent aggressive behavior: Deviant peer affiliation as a mediator and school connectedness as a moderator. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 358.

5.许丹佳, 喻承甫, 窦凯, 梁梓勤, 利振华, 聂衍刚. (2019). 父母自主支持与青少年未来规划:基本心理需要与个人成长主动性的中介作用. 心理发展与教育, 35(1), 26-34.

6.Lin, S., Yu, C., Chen, W., Tian, Y., & Zhang, W. (2018). Peer victimization and aggressive behavior among Chinese adolescents: Delinquent peer affiliation as a mediator and parental knowledge as a moderator. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1036.

7.Wu, N., Hou, Y., Wang, Q., & Yu, C. (2018). Intergenerational transmission of educational aspirations in chinese families: identifying mediators and moderators. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(6), 1238-1251.

8.喻承甫, 李婷婷, 林霜, 张卫. (2018). 父母体罚、心理需求满足与青少年攻击行为:亲子关系的调节作用. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), (4), 70-76.

9.田云龙, 喻承甫, 林霜, 叶诗敏, 张晓琳, 刘毅等. (2018). 父母体罚、学校参与与青少年网络游戏成瘾:亲子关系的调节作用. 心理发展与教育, 34(4), 80-90.

10.Liu, S., Yu, C., Conner, B. T., Wang, S., Lai, W., & Zhang, W. (2017). Autistic traits and internet gaming addiction in Chinese children: The mediating effect of emotion regulation and school connectedness. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 68, 122-130.    

11.Wang, Z., Yu, C., Zhang, W., Chen, Y., Zhu, J., & Liu, Q. (2017). School climate and adolescent aggression: A moderated mediation model involving deviant peer affiliation and sensation seeking. Personality & Individual Differences, 119, 301–306.    

12.Zhu, J., Yu, C., Bao, Z., Jiang, Y., Zhang, W., & Chen, Y., et al. (2017). Deviant peer affiliation as an explanatory mechanism in the association between corporal punishment and physical aggression: A longitudinal study among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45(8), 1537-1551.    

13.Hu, J., Zhen, S., Yu, C., Zhang, Q., & Zhang, W. (2017). Sensation seeking and online gaming addiction in adolescents: A moderated mediation model of positive affective associations and impulsivity. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 699.

14.Che, D., Hu, J., Zhen, S., Yu, C., Li., B., Chang, X., & Zhang, W. (2017). Dimensions of emotional intelligence and online gaming addiction in adolescence: The indirect effects of two facets of perceived stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1206.

15.喻承甫, 刘莎, 吴涛, 张卫. (2017). 父母体罚与青少年网络游戏成瘾:一个有调节的中介模型. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), (4), 92-98.

16.苏萍, 张卫, 喻承甫, 刘莎, 许阳, 甄霜菊. (2017). 父母婚姻冲突、不良同伴交往对初中生攻击行为的影响:一个有调节的中介模型. 心理科学, (6), 114-120.

17.许阳, 张卫, 喻承甫, 苏萍, 刘莎, 甄霜菊. (2017). 父母体罚与青少年焦虑抑郁的关系:同伴侵害的中介效应与亲子关系的调节效应. 心理发展与教育, 33(4), 457-467.

18.马娜, 张卫, 喻承甫, 朱键军, 江艳平, 吴涛. (2017). 初中生感知学校氛围与网络游戏障碍:一个有调节的中介效应模型. 中国临床心理学杂志, 25(1), 65-69.

19.李文桃, 刘学兰, 喻承甫, 张彩霞, 叶佩珏. (2017). 学校氛围与初中生学业成就:学业情绪的中介和未来取向的调节作用. 心理发展与教育, 33(2), 198-205.

20.Yu, C., Li, X., Wang, S., & Zhang, W. (2016). Teacher autonomy support reduces adolescent anxiety and depression: An 18-month longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescence, 49, 115-123.    

21.Liu, S., Yu, C., Zhen, S., Zhang, W., Su, P., & Xu, Y. (2016). Influence of inter-parental conflict on adolescent delinquency via school connectedness: Is impulsivity a vulnerability or plasticity factor?. Journal of Adolescence, 52, 12-21.    

22.Jiang, Y., Yu, C., Zhang, W., Bao, Z., & Zhu, J. (2016). Peer victimization and substance use in early adolescence: Influences of deviant peer affiliation and parental knowledge. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 25(7), 2130-2140.    

23.Zhu, J., Yu, C., Zhang, W., Bao, Z., Jiang, Y., & Chen, Y., et al. (2016). Peer victimization, deviant peer affiliation and impulsivity: Predicting adolescent problem behaviors. Child Abuse & Neglect, 58, 39-50.

24.Yu, C., Li, X., & Zhang, W. (2015). Predicting adolescent problematic online game use from teacher autonomy support, basic psychological needs satisfaction, and school engagement: A 2-year longitudinal study. Cyberpsychology Behavior & Social Networking,18(4), 228-233.

25.Zhu, J., Zhang, W., Yu, C., & Bao, Z. (2015). Early adolescent internet game addiction in context: How parents, school, and peers impact youth. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 159-168.    

26.Wang, S., Zhang, W., Li, D., Yu, C., Zhen, S., & Huang, S. (2015). Forms of aggression, peer relationships, and relational victimization among chinese adolescent girls and boys: Roles of prosocial behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1264.










