
发布日期:2024-04-11    浏览次数:


讲师 | lujiachenpsy@qq.com

专业领域: 工作记忆与注意 | 人际互动与奖赏 | 认知神经科学


2013.09-2017.06       辽宁师范大学应用  心理学(师范)    本科

2017.09-2020.06       辽宁师范大学     基础心理学      硕士

2020.09-2023.06       华南师范大学     心理学          博士


利用心理物理方法对工作记忆,注意,人际互动,奖赏加工和情绪管理等人类行为进行研究。包括但不限于使用Matlab (EEGLAB & Letswave) 进行脑电数据的ERPERD/S、微状态、溯源、PCA分析、机器学习BrainVoyagerQX SPM 进行磁共振数据分析;EyeLink analyzer 进行眼动数据分析;R语言和SPSS进行数据分析与作图;psychtoolboxE-prime进行编程等。


1.Shen, S.#, Sun, Y.#, Lu, J.#, Li, C.#, Chen, Q., Mo, C., ... & Zhang, X. (2024). Profiles of visual perceptual learning in feature space. Iscience.(共同第一作者)

2.Pan, W#., Lu, J#., Wu, L., Kou, J., & Lei, Y. (2023). Expending effort may share neural responses with reward and evokes high subjective satisfaction. Biological Psychology.(共同第一作者)

3.Lu, J., & Zhang, X. (2023). The role of theta and alpha oscillations in control of visual working memory-guided attention. Journal of Vision.(第一作者)

4.Lu, J., Li, W., Li, J., & Li, H. (2023). Hope for the best when the result is uncertain: high uncertainty induces greater SPN amplitudes than low uncertainty. Current Psychology.(第一作者 )

5.Lu, J., Li, W., Xie, Y., Huang, Q., & Li, J. (2022). Prosociality moderates outcome evaluation in competition tasks. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 11397.. (第一作者)

6.Lu, J., Wang, J.; Li, W. & Li, J. (2022). The Rejection Template of Working Memory Operates after Attention Capture. Behavioral Sciences. (第一作者)

7.Lei, Y.#, Lu, J.#, Zhang, H., Wang, C., Wei, S., & Zhu, Y. (2019). Cooperation moderates the impact of effort on reward valuation. Neuropsychologia.(通信作者)

8.Lu, J. , Tian, L. , Zhang, J. , Wang, J. , Ye, C. , & Liu, Q. (2017). Strategic inhibition of distractors with visual working memory contents after involuntary attention capture. Scientific Reports.第一作者)

9.Li, J., Chen, Y., Lu, J*, Li, W., & Yu, C. (2021). Self-Control, Consideration of Future Consequences, and Internet Addiction among Chinese Adolescents: The Moderating Effect of Deviant Peer Affiliation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.(通讯作者)

10.Li, JJ.; Chen, Y.; Lu, J×.& Li, W×. (2022). Does self-control promote prosocial behavior? Evidence from a longitudinal tracking study. Children. (通讯作者)

11.Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Lu, J., Lei, Y., & Li, H. (2021). Social exclusion increases the executive function of attention networks. Scientific Reports.

12.杨文敏;鲁嘉晨;谭欣;梁静远;雷怡(2019.大学生主观童年创伤对抑郁的影响:抗挫折能力和外向性的多重中介效应. 心理发展与教育.

13.王冠华;鲁嘉晨;雷怡;李红. (2023). 诱发高自我效能感改善自我损耗后的认知控制.



广大省认知科学学会理事;《Current psychology》、《Scientific Reports》以及《心理科学》等国内外期刊审稿人

